Sunday, November 17, 2013

Week of 11/18 - 11/22

Hello! Are you ready for a fun-filled week? Why, yes. Yes you are.

Monday 11/18: Quiz 11, followed by a discussion of some non-fossil evidence for evolution - like anatomy, biochemistry, and embryology! There's lots of awesome new words, so be prepared. Your flash cards from Friday will help. Homework: pg 215 #1-4, Due: none

Tuesday 11/19: It's a class work day! I'm not sure exactly what we're doing, but it will help you guys master your new vocabulary. Homework: none. Due: Pg 215 #1-4

Wednesday 11/20: Lab Day! Homework: Lab report (due Friday). Due: none.

Thursday 11/21: TEST #5! We're wrapping up with evolution and moving on to new things tomorrow!

Friday 11/22: Bacteria! We are taking notes about the wonderful world of prokaryotes! Homework: Page 236 #1-7. Due: Lab Report!

Parents: if you would like to discuss your child's first quarter grade with me, feel free to email me at

Monday, November 11, 2013

Week of 11/11 - 11/15

Congratulations! You have made it to the second quarter!
Here's your weekly science forecast:

Monday 11/11 - Veterans Day - No School. (You should have stayed in bed. Seriously. Sleep while you're young because once you have kids of your own they will wake you at 6:00 a.m. just for sport.)

Tuesday 11/12 - Quiz 10 followed by the start of our Evolution Unit! (Are you excited? I'm excited). Due: Baby Lab, Homework: Page 196 #1-6

Wednesday 11/13 - How do species change? We will be talking about Darwin's Theory of Evolution (by means of Natural Selection). Due: Page 196 #1-6, Homework: Page 206 #1-4

Thursday 11/14 - Lab Day! You will be designing your very own species! Due: Page 206 #1-4, Homework: Species Lab (due Monday)

Friday 11/15 - Vocabulary review day! (I'm not sure the exact activity we're doing, but it will count as a class work assignment) Due: None; Homework: Species Lab (Due Monday)

A quick note: did you notice that I learned how to make separate paragraphs in html? Apparently it's < br > (without the spaces).

Monday, November 4, 2013

Week of 11/4 - 11/8

Good morning, and welcome to another awesome week of science! Monday 11/4 - Quiz 9 followed by: What is DNA? We'll be chatting and taking a few notes about the massive molecules that make Due: Pg 167 #1-4, Homework: Page 177 #1-4 Tuesday 11/5 - Conference Day. Enjoy your relaxing day off, while we grownups confer with each other. Wednesday 11/6 - Lab Day! We are doing a lab about genetics! You'll love it. Due: Page 177 #1-4, Homework: Lab Report (DUE MONDAY! This will be your first lab grade of the SECOND quarter) Thursday: 11/7 - Movie day? Review day? I'm not certain, but we will do something fun to help reinforce your new-found knowledge of genetics. Due: None. Homework: STUDY FOR YOUR TEST. Friday: 11/8 - TEST DAY! This is test 4, so I will be able to drop your lowest test from quarter 1.