Monday, October 13, 2014

Week of 10/13 - 10/17

Monday 10/13 - No school!  I hope you enjoyed your day off.

Tuesday 10/14 - Quiz 6, followed by a TEXT BOOK TREASURE HUNT!  We will be exploring your text book's features to help you answer the questions on pages 283 and 286.  Also, your sugar cube lab report is due.

Wednesday 10/15 - What are atoms made of?  (Or, "Of what are atoms made?" for your grammarians out there).  You will be taking notes.

Thursday 10/16 - Atomic flip books!  (It's fun.  I promise.)

Friday 10/17 - Carbon Dating lab  (Lab report due on Tuesday).

Monday, October 6, 2014

Week of 10/6-10/10

Good morning!  Here's what our week is shaping up to be:

Monday 10/6 - We will take quiz #5, then follow up with a lesson on the difference between elements and compounds.  (We will likely do page 89 #1-3 in class, but might have to finish for homework).

Tuesday 10/7 - We will discuss the different types of mixtures and how they differ from compounds.

Wednesday 10/8 - Lab Day!  We will be exploring factors that affect how fast a solute dissolves.

Thursday 10/9 and Friday 10/10 - We will be watching a video about the elements in preparation for our studies of the periodic table.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Week of 9/22-9/26

Monday 9/22 - Quiz 3, followed by a discussion of the scientific method.  We will also talk about the difference between a theory and a law in science.

Tuesday 9/23 - Experimental Design.  What makes for a good experiment?

Wednesday 9/24 - Experimental design lab!  You will be given a question and have to design an experiment and perform an experiment with your group.  Lab report due Friday.

Thursday 9/25 - Experimental design practice.  You will be doing a class work activity.

Friday 9/26 - What are physical properties?  What are chemical properties?

Friday, September 12, 2014

Week of 9/15-9/19

Monday 9/15 - Quiz 2, followed by a lesson on density. 

Tuesday 9/16 - Lab day!  You will be doing your first lab for me.  It will require finding the mass and volume of several objects, then calculating their densities and using this information to identify the materials. 

Wednesday 9/17 - Lab report writing - I will teach you how to write a proper lab report for this class, using your data from yesterday.  Your finished report is due in on Friday, but you may hand it in early if you finish.

Thursday 9/18 - Review day!  We are quickly approaching your first test.  This review will make sure that you are prepared.

Friday 9/19 - Test day!  This test will cover everything from the beginning of the school year.

(Yes, you will still have a quiz on the following Monday).

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Week of 9/8-9/12

Welcome to an exciting year at Knox!  I'm sorry I was a little delayed getting this week's work up and running, as I was experiencing logistical problems with our pretest.  It's all fixed, and here's a summary of what's up in 303 for the next few days.

Monday 9/8 - Quiz 1 (you are allowed to use your survival guide and lab safety sheet on this) followed by a brief lesson on the difference between observation and inference.

Tuesday 9/9 - Pre-test day.  All you will do today is take your pre-test.  Don't worry.  It doesn't count for you.  It just gives me a clear picture of where we are starting.

Wednesday 9/10 - Length.  We will be learning the proper SI units of length and how to measure accurately.

Thursday 9/11 - Volume.  We will be learning the proper SI units of volume and how to measure and calculate accurately.

Friday 9/12 - Mass.  We will be learning the proper SI units of mass and how to measure accurately.  We will also learn the important difference between mass and weight.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Week of 5/27 - 5/30

Tuesday 5/27 - Quiz!  (Remember those?)  Then a quick lesson about the four major types of chemical reactions.  Due: Lab report (from Friday).  Homework: pg 360 #1-3

Wednesday 5/28 - Energy of Reactions.  Today you will learn more about exothermic and endothermic reactions, as well as activation energy (in short, why a fire needs a match).  Due: pg 360 #1-3; Homework: Pg 365 #1-4

Thursday 5/29 - Review Day!  We are reviewing for your test tomorrow.  (It's on chapters 13 and 14, in case you're playing along at home).  Due: pg 360 #1-3, Homework: STUDY

Friday 5/30 - Test!  

Monday, May 19, 2014

Week of 5/19-5/23

Good morning!  Here is how your week is shaping up.

Monday 5/19 - No quiz today.  We will be in the computer lab finishing up research for your atom projects. Remember, your first project is due TOMORROW.  Due: none, HW: make sure you have your miniproject completed to turn in.

Tuesday 5/20 - (Half day)  Today we will be interpreting chemical formulas.  You will learn all about subscripts and coefficients!  Due: First ATOM PROJECT.  Homework: Make sure your second ATOM PROJECT is ready for Thursday.

Wednesday 5/21 - Chemical reactions!  We will be learning about the types of reactions and why they should be balanced.  Due: none.  Homework: Pg 357 #1-4 AND make sure your second ATOM PROJECT is finished.

Thursday 5/22 - Are you ready for a challenge?  You will be practicing balancing chemical equations!  Due: Second atom project, and pg 357#1-4, homework: Balance the photosynthesis reaction.

Friday 5/23 - Lab Day!  Due: Your optional third atom project; Homework: lab report (due Tuesday).

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Week of 5/5-5/9

I'm sorry I forgot to update this!  I had some computer trouble, made a note to remind myself to update later, then promptly lost the note.  Proof that grownups make boneheaded mistakes, too, I guess. :)

Monday 5/5 - We are taking a quiz, then watching a movie about the elements.  You will take notes to help you assimilate the information.

Tuesday 5/6 - We are finishing our movie and discussing!  Homework: "Using Your Periodic Table" activity sheet.

Wednesdsay 5/7 - We will be discussing the various groups of the periodic table and their properties.  Due: "Using Your Periodic Table"; Homework: Predict the properties of the new element (#117).  Hint:  You will need to count to see what group it will be in.

Thursday 5/8 - We will be reviewing for tomorrow's test.

Friday 5/9 - Test day!  Remember, you need a periodic table (bring your text book) and you may use your flip book.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Week of 4/7 - 4/10

Monday 4/7 - Welcome back!  You will have quiz 25 followed by a lesson on how matter can change state.  Due: Pg 64 1-4 and 67 1-3; Homework: Pg 73 1-4

Tuesday 4/8 - Lab Day!  Are all pennies the same?  We will find out!
Due: Pg 73 #1-4; Homework: lab report (due Thursday)

Wednesday 4/9 - Test!  You will be tested on chapters 2 and 3 of your new book.

Thursday 4/10 - Class work day!  Due: Lab report.  Homework: NONE!  Enjoy your break!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week of 3/24 - 3/28

Welcome back!  This week we continue our discussion of ecology.

Monday 3/24 - Quiz 23, followed by notes on populations.  Due: Food web "lab"; HW: pg 746 #1-5

Tuesday 3/25 - Today we are discussing how populations differ from communities.  Due: pg 746 #1-5; HW: pg 765 #1-5

Wednesday 3/26 - Review Day!  (No, we are NOT playing Jeopardy.  Possibly not ever again.  You guys were pretty horrible to each other in your competition for imaginary points.  So, no.) Due: pg 765 #1-5; HW: STUDY YOUR LITTLE BUTT OFF.

Thursday 3/27 - Ecology test

Friday 3/28 - To be announced.  Just as soon as I think of something.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Night Interlude

Whoops.  This is when I usually update with the schedule for the week.  I brought my laptop with me and everything.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring my plan book with me.

Hence the 'whoops'.

This is how I look when I'm stuck away from home and deeply annoyed with myself.

You have a test tomorrow (that I do remember) and I'll update the rest of this within the next 24 hours.

Mrs. L.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week of 3/10 - 3/14

Hello!  Ready to finish up our Human Body unit?  Me, too!

Monday 3/10 - Quiz 22 followed by a lesson on disease and immunity.  We'll be taking notes.
Homework: pg 618 #1-4

Tuesday 3/11 - We're discussing the nervous system!  (Yep - notes).
Due: Pg 618 #1-4
Homework: pg 644 #1-4

Wednesday 3/12 - Lab Day!  How fast can your nervous system obey your commands?
Due: Pg 644 #1-4
Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/13 - Endocrine and reproductive systems
Due: None
Homework: Keep working on your lab report

Friday 3/14 - Review Day!  I'm feeling like Jeopardy.  What do you think?

Monday 3/17 - HUMAN BODY UNIT TEST!  (Your weekly quiz will appear on a later day).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UPDATED Week of 3/3 - 3/7

Well, an unforeseen absence on Monday knocked our whole week for a loop. Here's an updated version of what is going to happen (feel free to ignore the last post). Monday 3/3 - Quiz 21 followed by a class work on blood and the lymphatic system. Due: pg 538 #1-4, Class work assignment: Pg 582 #1-3 and 589 #1-3. Homework: None.

Tuesday 3/4 - Respiration and Circulation! We are taking notes on these systems today! No homework.

Wednesday 3/5 - Lab Day! We will be doing a lab in which you discover the relationship between your breathing rate and your heart rate. Due: None; Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/6 - Excretory system! Your cells make waste, and your circulatory system takes it away...but to where? Today we discover where pee comes from. Due: none; Homework: pg 547 #1-4

Friday 3/7 - Today we will do a class work activity on DISEASES! Due: Lab report and pg 547 #1-4; Homework: none

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week of 3/3 - 3/7

Warning! The information below is now outdated. See the more recent post for details. Monday 3/3 - Quiz 21 followed by a lesson on the marvels of the excretory system. Due: Pg 538 #1-4; Homework: Pg 547 #1-4

Tuesday 3/4 - Today we will be discussing the respiratory and circulatory systems. Due: Pg 547 #1-4; Homework: Pg 564 #-13 and Pg 574 #1-3

Wednesday 3/5 - Lab Day! We are exploring the connection between your heart rate and your respiratory rate. Due: Pgs 564 and 574; Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/6 - Class work day! We are exploring the blood and the lymphatic system.

Friday 3/7 - Um… Not sure about this yet. I'll figure it out and let you know.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Week of 2/24 - 2/28

Welcome back! It's the last week of February, and the last week before I have to calculate your progress report grades. Lots of excitement coming up.

Monday 2/24 - No quiz this week. (Remember when you had a snow day on Valentine's day instead of your test on animal behavior? Yeah.) Test 10! (Don't panic - it's open book/notes/review sheet).

Tuesday 2/25 - We're having notes about your skeletal and muscular systems. Due: None; HW: Pg 494 1-3 AND 502 1-3

Wednesday 2/26 - Class work day! Today you are learning all about the wonders of your skin. Due: pgs 494 and 502; HW: None

Thursday 2/27 - LAB DAY! (Not sure what exactly, yet, but I'm sure it will be fun and educational). HW: Lab report - due Monday

Friday 2/28 - Nutrition and Digestion. We're learning about your food, and what happens to it after you eat it. Due: None; HW: page 538 #1-4

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Week of 2/10 - 2/14

Hello! What a lovely week we have ahead of us!

Monday 2/10 - Quiz 20, followed by a lesson on types of animal behavior. Homework: Pg 454 #1-5

Tuesday 2/11 - We're taking notes today about the ways in which animals interact with each other and in societies. Due: Pg 454 #1-5; HW: Pg 462 #1-5

Wednesday 2/12 - We're doing a LAB today to see how good you are at picking up subtle behavior clues in your classmates. Sharpen up your observation skills. Due: Pg 462 #1-5

Thursday 2/13 - Class work day - you're doing a class work on animal reproduction. (Don't worry - it's mostly stuff you know).

Friday 2/14 - TEST 10! I know, I know. It's Valentine's Day, and the day before a break, but we really need this test to bulk up your grade. Think of it this way. I love you too much to make you take a test after a week off. It'll go easier for you this way. <3

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Week of 2/3-2/7

Happy February!

Monday 2/3 - Digestion and Excretion. We'll be taking notes today. Due: Pg 426 #1-4 Homework: Pg 435 #1-4

Tuesday 2/4 - Review Day! We will be reviewing for tomorrow's test. This activity WILL COUNT AS A CLASS WORK GRADE. Due: Pg. 435 #1-4, Homework: study

Wednesday 2/5 - Test 9. (Chapters 11 and 12). You may use your invertebrate sheet to help you.

Thursday 2/6 - Lab Day! Due: None. HW: Lab report - due Monday.

Friday 2/7 - TBA. You are very lucky to have a special guest speaker in the afternoon, but that means that I'll only see some of you for class. I'm working on something that can be done either in class or at home.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Week of 1/27 - 1/31

Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience so far this month. I *think* the worst of the chaos is behind us, as both I and my family are on the mend. Let's see if I can make it through an entire week without a catastrophe causing me to miss time, shall we?

Monday 1/27 - Quiz #18 followed by a class work assignment about the major phyla of invertebrates. Due: Page 380 #1-5; Homework: none.

Tuesday 1/28 - Chordates and vertebrates! We're learning stuff that…well, that you probably already know about vertebrates. Due: None; Homework: Pg 399 #1-5

Wednesday 1/29 - Lab! You're designing a dichotomous key (remember those?) to distinguish between several examples of vertebrate and invertebrate phyla. Due: pg 399 #1-5; Homework: lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 1/30 - We are taking notes on how animals support themselves and control their movements. Due: none; Homework: pg 418 #1-4

Friday 1/31 - Today we are discussing circulation and gas exchange in various animals. Due: page 418 #1-4, AND LAB REPORT; Homework: pg 426 #1-4

Thursday, January 2, 2014


Well, that sure changed things! Okay, remember what I said about this week in my last post? Scratch that. Assuming we have school tomorrow, here's the new and improved version.

Friday: No quiz (because that would be dumb at this point). Intro to plants lesson. Homework: Pg 304 #1-5

And, that about does it. Hope you all enjoyed our extended vacation!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Week" of 1/2 and 1/3

Welcome back to a miniature week of school! Don't worry, I'll be gentle with you, as we're all going to need some time to acclimate to actually working again instead of hanging on the couch playing video games. (Interesting side note, I am terrible at Super Mario Bros. U, but decent enough at Skylanders).

Thursday 1/2: Quiz 15 (which will be a sampling of review material) followed by an introduction to our next unit - PLANTS! Homework: page 304 #1-5, Due: None

Friday 1/3: We will be discussing seedless plants. I have a class work assignment planned, so there shouldn't be too much in terms of notes to take. Due: Page 304 #1-5, Homework: None.