Sunday, March 23, 2014

Week of 3/24 - 3/28

Welcome back!  This week we continue our discussion of ecology.

Monday 3/24 - Quiz 23, followed by notes on populations.  Due: Food web "lab"; HW: pg 746 #1-5

Tuesday 3/25 - Today we are discussing how populations differ from communities.  Due: pg 746 #1-5; HW: pg 765 #1-5

Wednesday 3/26 - Review Day!  (No, we are NOT playing Jeopardy.  Possibly not ever again.  You guys were pretty horrible to each other in your competition for imaginary points.  So, no.) Due: pg 765 #1-5; HW: STUDY YOUR LITTLE BUTT OFF.

Thursday 3/27 - Ecology test

Friday 3/28 - To be announced.  Just as soon as I think of something.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Night Interlude

Whoops.  This is when I usually update with the schedule for the week.  I brought my laptop with me and everything.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring my plan book with me.

Hence the 'whoops'.

This is how I look when I'm stuck away from home and deeply annoyed with myself.

You have a test tomorrow (that I do remember) and I'll update the rest of this within the next 24 hours.

Mrs. L.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Week of 3/10 - 3/14

Hello!  Ready to finish up our Human Body unit?  Me, too!

Monday 3/10 - Quiz 22 followed by a lesson on disease and immunity.  We'll be taking notes.
Homework: pg 618 #1-4

Tuesday 3/11 - We're discussing the nervous system!  (Yep - notes).
Due: Pg 618 #1-4
Homework: pg 644 #1-4

Wednesday 3/12 - Lab Day!  How fast can your nervous system obey your commands?
Due: Pg 644 #1-4
Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/13 - Endocrine and reproductive systems
Due: None
Homework: Keep working on your lab report

Friday 3/14 - Review Day!  I'm feeling like Jeopardy.  What do you think?

Monday 3/17 - HUMAN BODY UNIT TEST!  (Your weekly quiz will appear on a later day).

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

UPDATED Week of 3/3 - 3/7

Well, an unforeseen absence on Monday knocked our whole week for a loop. Here's an updated version of what is going to happen (feel free to ignore the last post). Monday 3/3 - Quiz 21 followed by a class work on blood and the lymphatic system. Due: pg 538 #1-4, Class work assignment: Pg 582 #1-3 and 589 #1-3. Homework: None.

Tuesday 3/4 - Respiration and Circulation! We are taking notes on these systems today! No homework.

Wednesday 3/5 - Lab Day! We will be doing a lab in which you discover the relationship between your breathing rate and your heart rate. Due: None; Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/6 - Excretory system! Your cells make waste, and your circulatory system takes it away...but to where? Today we discover where pee comes from. Due: none; Homework: pg 547 #1-4

Friday 3/7 - Today we will do a class work activity on DISEASES! Due: Lab report and pg 547 #1-4; Homework: none

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week of 3/3 - 3/7

Warning! The information below is now outdated. See the more recent post for details. Monday 3/3 - Quiz 21 followed by a lesson on the marvels of the excretory system. Due: Pg 538 #1-4; Homework: Pg 547 #1-4

Tuesday 3/4 - Today we will be discussing the respiratory and circulatory systems. Due: Pg 547 #1-4; Homework: Pg 564 #-13 and Pg 574 #1-3

Wednesday 3/5 - Lab Day! We are exploring the connection between your heart rate and your respiratory rate. Due: Pgs 564 and 574; Homework: Lab report (due Friday)

Thursday 3/6 - Class work day! We are exploring the blood and the lymphatic system.

Friday 3/7 - Um… Not sure about this yet. I'll figure it out and let you know.