Thursday, January 31, 2013


Today you guys saw a presentation by Mrs. Yetto about DASA (the Dignity for All Students Act).

Remember when she asked you to raise your hand if you had a grown-up in the building that you could trust and report bullying to?  Well, I noticed that some of you didn't have your hands up.

I am so sorry.

If you do not feel that you can come to me, then I am not doing my job correctly.

Here's the secret: my job isn't to teach science, it's to teach KIDS.  This means that you as a person (and your safety, your happiness, your confidence) are a larger part of my job than evolution, or taxonomy, or genetics, or chemistry ever could be.

I am going to make you this promise: I will listen to you.

If you feel bullied, if you feel threatened, or shamed by someone who is trying to hurt you, please tell me.  I care about you (whether you like it or not).

If you try to tell me and you don't feel like I have heard you, then TELL ME LOUDER.  I am human, which means that sometimes I am an idiot.  Tell me again and again until I hear you.

You deserve to be heard.  You deserve that, when you reach out your hand for help, someone is there to hold it.

1 comment:

  1. When she told us to raise our hands you were the person I thought of :)
